Education and Advocacy

The IIJD periodically responds to current events in Africa that we feel have the potential to destabilize the state or region in which they occur. We call upon local, national, and international actors to meet the continent’s most pressing needs and to find sustainable solutions to the continent’s most urgent tragedies.

The purpose of the call for action letters is threefold: (1) to alert world leaders, particularly those in the United States government, the African Union, the G8, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations, of urgent world matters that constitute a probable breach to the global peace and security that require their immediate attention; (2) to make strong, specific, and timely recommendations concerning how to deal with the issues in both the short and the long term; and (3) to propose concrete and innovative solutions, and present the IIJD as a serious partner organization willing to contribute in resolving the pressing issues