Our Work
To complement and support the goals of the justice and development programs, the education and advocacy program raises awareness and provides the IIJD’s perspective about current African events and issues. The advocacy program monitors pivotal events in Africa in which development stands at a crossroads and offers analysis of the situations to the international community.
There are four main parts in the advocacy program: the IIJD newsletter, calls for action, the African Prospect, and IIJD sponsored conferences and seminars.
The education program’s goal is to help raise awareness about international justice and development issues and foster further studies and research.
We currently run an internship program and we have designed a leadership exchange program to open a window for “democracy in action” to community and political leaders in Africa.
In conjunction with the other IIJD programs, these efforts enable the IIJD to address more effectively justice and development issues in Africa.
The IIJD publishes a newsletter regularly to alert and update the general public about pressing African justice and development issues. The newsletter is distributed both on our website and through an e-mail mailing list. In addition to informing the public of African issues, the newsletter is also an opportunity for the IIJD to offer its own input and perspective, thereby remaining relevant and current.
The IIJD hosted the first International Conference on the State of Affairs in Africa (ICSAA) in Boston, Massachusetts on October 2006 in an effort to address Africa’s current development crisis. The ICSAA reached a strategic consensus on the root causes of the development crisis and unrelenting poverty. Furthermore, the conference established priorities on how to resolve the crisis and to create a more collaborative and effective plan in this regard, emphasizing sustainable solutions for future development.
Following the completion of the ICSAA, a task force group (TFG) was created to address the critical need for a holistic, well coordinated and proactive civil society engagement with policy makers in resolving the Africa development crisis and the continent’s persistent poverty. The members of the TFG are committed to initiating actions with all the stakeholders and concerned parties to tackle the root causes of what appears to be an unending development crisis and poverty in Africa. The TFG also implements some advocacy activities of the IIJD, and has the responsibility to uphold the recommendations of the international conference on the state of affairs of Africa, and build an international constituency of citizens dedicated to African socio-economic and political reforms.
In order to foster democratic governance, peace and global security, the IIJD leadership exchange initiative carries out an exchange program that supports the professional and leadership development of foreign participants.
The purpose is to engage with foreign leaders, mainly elected public officers and civic leaders of emerging democracies in Africa, policymakers or policy influencers in the academic, public and private organizations from developing countries and poor communities, and to promote a mutual understanding between the leaders and people of the United States and those of participant countries.
Through this Initiative, the IIJD brings rising leaders, elected officials of emerging democracy to visit, examine and learn democratic, legislative and government practices from county and states to federal levels in the United States.
The IIJD leadership exchange typically includes fellowship, study tours or workshops in the United States and in the host country. Participants come from a variety of professions and include education administrators, public servants, journalists, labor union officials, elected officials, legislatives staff, and civil society leaders. The maximum duration for engagement in this exchange is one year, followed by feedbacks on the lessons learned and their effective application.