Education and Advocacy
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Education and Advocacy
To complement and support the goals of the justice and development programs, the education and advocacy program raises awareness and provides the IIJD’s perspective about current African events and issues. The advocacy program monitors pivotal events in Africa in which development stands at a crossroads and offers analysis of the situations to the international community.

Following are the main parts of the advocacy program: The African Prospect, the calls for action, Internship & Volunteer, IIJD sponsored conferences & seminars, and Videos.

The education program’s goal is to help raise awareness about international justice and development issues and foster further studies and research.

We currently run an internship program and we have designed a leadership exchange program to open a window for “democracy in action” to community and political leaders in Africa.

In conjunction with the other IIJD programs, these efforts enable the IIJD to address more effectively justice and development issues in Africa